About Us

The Association of Independent Doctors (AID)

Educating, Connecting and Advocating for Independent Doctors

Empowering Independent Doctors for a Stronger Healthcare Future

The Association of Independent Doctors (AID) is a national non profit trade organization dedicated to the interests of independent, self employed physicians across the United States.

We believe that independent physicians play a vital role in providing high quality, patient centered care, and we are committed to preserving their autonomy and ensuring their success in the ever changing healthcare landscape.

independent physicians leadership

Who We Are

A Community
A Community

We are a community of independent physicians from all specialties and practice sizes. From solo practitioners to multi-specialty groups, our community welcomes independent physicians from all areas of expertise.

An Elevated Voice
An Elevated Voice

An elevated voice for independent physicians in healthcare policy discussions. Not just a collection of individuals, but a collaborative force of independent physicians, sharing knowledge and resources to push the boundaries of healthcare.

Provider of Resources
Provider of Resources

A provider of valuable resources and support to help established independent physicians and those who want to become independent thrive.

What We Do

educate independent physicians


We provide our members with the latest information on healthcare policy, practice management, and business strategies.


We offer opportunities for our members to network with each other and share best practices.

Connect independent physicians


We work to protect the interests of independent physicians in state and federal policy debates by partnering with advocacy groups


We help our members make informed decisions about their practices and futures.

independent doctors independent physicians

Our Values

  • Patient-centered care
  • Physician autonomy
  • Professionalism
  • Collaboration
  • Innovation

Join Us

If you are an independent physician, we invite you to join the AID and become part of a community of like-minded professionals committed to preserving the future of the independent practice. Together, we can make a difference.