
The Association of Independent Doctors (AID)

Educating, Connecting and Advocating for Independent Doctors

Empowering Independent Doctors for a Stronger Healthcare Future

More than just figureheads, AID’s board of directors are active stewards, guiding the association with strategic foresight and ensuring its resources are maximized for impact.

independent physicians leadership

Championing Physician Independence in a Changing Healthcare Landscape

Board of Directors

As a voice for change, the AID board aspires to raise awareness amongst communities and leaders about the consequences of independent physician group closures and advocate for policies prioritizing patient affordability and physician freedom.

Elisa Joyce leadership

Elisa Joyce

BOD President

Patricia Pugh

BOD Secretary

Jennifer Thompson


Elizabeth D. Shaw


Dalia Cantor


Join Us

If you are an independent physician, we invite you to join the AID and become part of a community of like-minded professionals committed to preserving the future of the independent practice. Together, we can make a difference.